Since FTA implemented in indonesia on 2004 FTA puts various kind of effect to Indonesian economic situation.Like the others agreement in another country,some of those agreement gave Indonesia some benefits while the other gave a negative effect,here's some of the FTA agreements that tend to put Indonesia in disadvantagous situation.
1.The FTA ASEAN economic community agreement
This agreement affect Indonesian trade scale into devisit situation,in 2004 before joining the FTA ASEAN Indonesian trade scale recorded in surplus for 1,466 millions USD.After Indonesia joined the FTA the scale turned into devisit for 0,455 millions USD into 6,234 millions USD on 2010
2.The Indonesia-China FTA agreement
at the early time of this agreement it gave Indonesia some benefits of large trade surplus.0,504 millions USD on 2004 and 1,118 USD on 2007.But the sheer amount of Chinese product entered the Indonesian market while Indonesian export,the raw materials is descending.This situation turned the Indonesian market scale into devisit for 3,631 millions USD in 2008 and 4,732 millions USD in 2010
3.Indonesia and South Korea FTA
Before this agreement took place,Indonesian market scale is in surplus position for 4,82 million USD and 4,89 millions USD in 2010.This surplus was caused by the export of raw gas material.The export of none gas raw material to South Korea was on the raise.But the surplus of non gas raw material is descending from 1,71 millions USD in 2006 to 1,28 millions USD in 2010
4.Indonesia Japan FTA
Before this FTA took place the trade surplus of Indonesia is recorded for 17,103 Millions 2010 trade surplus was descending to 8,816 millions USD.The surplus was mainly caused by the export of gas raw material,as for non gas material export was depleted,even the trade scale for non gas raw material in 2010 was on devisit for 0,129 Millions USD.Before this FTA took plate,the trade scale of non gas raw material was in surplus of 3,952 millions USD in 2007,but in other hand in 2010 Indonesia experienced a devisit of 0,129 millions USD
Luthfi Hadi Arsa (1701334471)
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